For Beginners
Last Updated: 2nd May, 2014

Modern digital cameras are designed to be simple and easy to operate. Anyone can pick up a digital camera and start shooting good photos in Automatic Mode built into any camera today. They do produce surprisingly decent results that most people would be happy to live with. But on the other hand, they make people take photography for granted.

Auto Mode is generally marked by a green rectangular icon. Turn the mode dial to this icon, you can start shooting happily.

The sight of a modern Digital Cameras can be daunting at first to those who like to venture further than the Auto Mode. With buttons and dials dotted all over the body, some buttons have multiple functions assigned to them and many more functions are hidden in menus and sub-menus accessible through the screen at the back of the camera.

But, don’t worry, you may not need to know many of the functions to begin shooting.

You can learn all those basic functions in few lessons. Just follow through with patience, pace yourself and test yourself in the Quiz provided. You are also advised to get your hands dirty by trying the assignments. Please try to do all the assignments. (Yes, I mentioned doing the assignment twice.)

Should you have any problem, please leave your comments and your contact at the end of the lesson. I may or may not get back to you, I will try.

Let’s begin by exploring lesson 1: The exposure.


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